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Cacomixtle dancing the Macarena

June 2024

Materials:  Colored pencils. Animation on Adobe Photoshop


Frame by frame animation of a dancing cacomixtle, who has a soft spot for the Macarena.

cacomixtle dancing the Macarena Dance animation
wireframe animation macarena dance
cacomixtle dancing the macarena digital animation
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena
traditional frame by frame animation of cacomixtle dancing the macarena

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